Email Policy
Current as of 01/09/2022
(Our email policy is revised on a regular basis)
Our practice does currently communicate with patients via electronic means,
however, we do not offer electronic consultations. This may change in the future.
Patient safety and relevant privacy laws will be addressed when this occurs.
Practice staff and doctors should use secure messaging or encryption where
available and be aware of alternative modes of communication used by the disabled.
Patients who request information by email should be informed about the risks
associated with unencrypted email and confirm they still wish to have the information
sent in that way.
Staff and Patients using email/SMS or other forms of electronic messaging should be
aware that it is not possible to guarantee that electronic communications will be
private. All personal health information or sensitive information sent by email must be
securely encrypted.
Ask the patient to email the practice and the practice should reply to that email.
When an email message is sent or received in the course of a person's duties, that
message is a business communication and therefore constitutes an official record.
Internal or external parties, including patients may send electronic messages.
Messages from patients or those of clinical significance require a response to
confirm receipt and should be documented in the patient medical record if
As with any communication, all incoming emails are passed onto the appropriate
person, actioned and documented in the patients medical record.