Our doctors can assist with your family medical requirements. Please make an appointment here:
Our doctors can assist with your family medical requirements. Please make an appointment here:
We are a Private Practice and our standard fee is $92 for a consultation with the Doctor. Please click on the link below for more information.
Our doctors at Kewarra Family Practice and Trinity Family Practice can assist with family medical requirements. Please make an appointment here and please indicate for which Practice you would like to make it for.
New Patients are welcomed at Beaches Family Practice, please note we are not a Bulk Billing Practice. For more information please call our Practice on 4032-7500 for Kewarra Beach and 4032-7575 for Trinity Beach.
For all Saturday appointments:-
All Patients will now have to pay a standard consult fee to see the Doctor on Saturday.
Please be aware that from the 2nd September 2024 our new fee for a standard consultation will be $92.
Also, we will no longer be bulk billing patients for Saturday Appointments. Standard consultation fees will apply to all ages. Thank you.